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Establishment of dry weather flow in Kalu ganga under climate change scenarios

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dc.contributor.advisor Wijerathne, N Rajapaksha, RWCN 2016-12-02T06:09:33Z 2016-12-02T06:09:33Z
dc.identifier.citation Rajapaksha, R.W.C.N. (2015). Establishment of dry weather flow in Kalu ganga under climate change scenarios [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa.
dc.description.abstract Kalu Ganga basin is one of the most important river basins in Sri Lanka which covers a major portion of the wet zone and carries the highest discharge volume into the sea annually. Therefore it has been identified that, Kalu Ganga is the main source of water for potable water supply schemes especially for the Greater Colombo area. It is the dry weather flow which determines its potential as a source of water for potable water supply schemes with no major ‘at the source storage’. This study is focused on the analysis of low flow due to climate change. The objective of the study is to establish low flow conditions in the Kalu Ganga basin under different climate change scenarios. Effect of the predicted climate change scenarios on the low flows can be taken into account by using Statistical downscaling with emission scenario consideration. Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) is used for the downscaling of GCM data. Downscaling of GCM data using SDSM Global Circulation Model data of Hardley Center Coupled Model 3 (HadCM3) is used under both A2 and B2 emission scenario as the raw data. A variation of future rainfall is analyzed with observed data. Catchment runoff is predicted using a MIKE11 NAM based hydrological model for 50 years. Frequency analysis is conducted for measured and predicted flow data to establish low flow values due to climate change impacts. Reduction of low flow in Ellagawa station about 6% and Millakanda Station about 4% in 50 year return periods. It is about 1% for other return periods in both stations. Impact of climatic change is high for the events with high recurrence interval. Hence it is not recommended to extract water during dry period. Therefore, having an appropriate storage system to cater the required demand during dry season is needed. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject MSc in Environmental Engineering & Management
dc.subject CIVIL ENGINEERING-Thesis
dc.subject RIVER BASINS-Sri Lanka
dc.subject Dry weather flow
dc.title Establishment of dry weather flow in Kalu ganga under climate change scenarios en_US
dc.type Thesis-Abstract en_US
dc.identifier.faculty Engineering en_US M.Sc. en_US
dc.identifier.department Department of Civil Engineering en_US 2015
dc.identifier.accno 109888 en_US

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