This dissertation, is' divided, into three parts. In P art I the
reader is introduced into the subject and it also describes the historical
background. Part 2 under various sections deals with the existing
situation. Part 3 gives the goals and objectives for the improvement
of the area, the proposals and recommendations, a phasing programme,
a rough cost of the proposals followed by a planning balance sheet.
The introduction details the problem of land scarcity within the
city of Colombo and it also gives the details of the area selected for
the study together with a description of the area itself. Section 2
deals with the historical development of the city in general upto the
present day with special reference to its planning implications. The
latter half of this section is devoted to the historical development of the
Beira Lake itself including how the lake got reduced to its present day
size due to reclamation from time to time.
Part 2 contains five sections starting with section 3 which shows
the existing land use pattern of the area. A description of the procedure
of how the existing land-use pattern was arrived at is also included in this
section. Section 4 dealing with land ownership and land values starts with
definitions of different types of tenure of land within the area. It also
gives a list of ownership of various parcels of land. The latter part of
this section gives the average land values and how these values are
affected due to various factors.
Herath, N.P. (1976). Urban re-structuring of a selected area within the city of Colombo [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/11342